Giving this a go...

By Debiives


Today we set the 35(approx) butterflies free. Took their cylindrical net enclosure thing outside and put it in the sunshine with the top unzipped. It took a while for any of them to fly away as they just wanted to sun themselves with their wings open. The gradually they flew off. Mostly over the hedge into next door's garden but a few hung around for a while first.

Had a lazy Saturday which was well needed after a couple of busy weeks getting back into the school/work routines. The boys are tired and grumpy and winding each other up. Did manage to fit in a (slightly delayed due to a sword throwing incident) skype chat with my brother, s-i-l and cute nephew too.

Tomorrow I'm marshaling at the Tour of Britain race which finishes in Guildford. The cyclists come through twice and have to cycle up the cobbled High Street twice which should be fun. Now I'm off to look at all of WelshSi's photos from yesterday's stage to get excited about it!

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