The Poles Have Arrived

The latest migrant recruits to The National Grid.

When the old faithful British electricity towers were retired, there were no British supports available to replace them.

Spokesperson, Mr S Parks, said “We were unable to find suitable candidates in the UK - no one was interested in these menial, but essential, jobs. They were more interested in taking their Job Seeker’s Allowance and heading off down the boozer. The Poles, however, are prepared to stand out in fields, often miles from anywhere, in all weathers to carry the cables that bring power to British homes. We only hope that post Brexit these Poles are allowed to remain in the UK and that future tower replacement plans are not scuppered by our inability to recruit from EU countries.”

For those who have been following my journal, you will know that part of our woods is being cleared to allow a power line to be diverted - these poles arrived on site in the last couple of days ready to be installed.

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