Quilt Show

We have come away for a couple of days to Upton in Chester, Mrs madwill is doing a presentation to a local quilting group this evening and running a workshop for them tomorrow.

We are staying in a bit of a cheapo hotel - wifi seems to run at dial up speeds - remember those good old days? So I am taking the chance of using up some (slow) 3G data allowance whilst the talk is going on.

Nightmare start to the journey across the Pennines - there had been a major accident this morning and the A1/A64, North Leeds and all the surrounding towns/roads were snarled up. It took us over an hour to get 5 miles away from home. I shouldn't really grumble as I have just seen that the accident was a fatal one.

We arrived at the hotel in the middle of a humungous thunder and hail storm. We had to wait in the car for 15 minutes whilst it passed over.

Access to blip will be limited for a couple of days - apologies if I am not as thorough as usual in commenting on all your journals

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