a teachers journey

By EmmaDaisyduck

New school shoes

The shoe above may look like another pair of trainers but they ate actually my new school shoes or at least I hope to get away with them - as the last week my feet have had some batteries in different shoes!

You will all be glad to know after sleeping for over 12 hours my headache had eased and it no longer hurt when I opened the fridge!! I definitely think its the lights at work and all the stresses of being a new teacher that had caused my head to throb like it was doing so today after doing some planning this morning I decided to pop to specsavers to get a pair of my glasses tinted!

Hopefully by getting them tinted green I will not only have less headaches but also I will be able to read the worksheets better as black on white does my tree in!!

Why can't whiteboards be a buff colour or something other than bright white!!

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