It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Blips are Like a Bus!

You know what it's like! There's 10 minutes to go to the end of the club! The DJ drops a tune.....the music goes to the tips of your fingers.....the high hat comes're waiting for the bass! It's's coming.......yeeesssss! Your arms go up in the air and mayhem erupts ! Finally, it's over but your body is still moving, rhythms and drums are still in your head 30 minutes later. It's been the best night ever, again!

That's what it was like, every week at my favourite club, Pure. I've not had the feeling for many years now. That was until today. The We Face Forward series of West African culture, art and music was ending and there was African music and dance going on at Piccadilly Gardens to celebrate.

I love djembe drums.... I'm guessing that they are the origin for much of the techno and electronic music I'm always listening to. Somehow just the drums and voices can bring double the feeling of a Richie Hawtin meltdown set.

The best bit was the joy and smiles on everyone's faces. I was kissed by several strangers and spoke to even more..... It was true multiculturalism, not contrived, just people sharing in the joy of music. I was dancing on the ground, simultaneously trying to get the best angle for my photo's. I took far too many so it'll be a few days before I've managed a full edit and got them up. Here's what Ive done so far.

This picture summed up the day for me. This is Sens Sagna, a Senegalese drummer, singer and teacher. He was brill!

My experience is that the Senegalese are one of the most friendly people in the world. I'll never forget the 6 foot 5 chap from Senegal who rescued me at the gates of Uni in Marseilles. I was stranded as the gate man spoke no english, had an unhelpful attitude and I had no clue how to find my room in the batiments. It was mid-night. The Senegalese picked up my bike bag (it weighed a ton as it had my bike and all my uni books in it), my rucksack, carried it about 1km, got my keys, bedding etc...then he took me back to his batiment where I was fed and then partied with his friends until the sun came up.

Anyway, back to Sens.... If I ever get married, I said that I would hire him to do the wedding music. Ha... although a ceilidh band is more traditional, I think getting the guests to explore the beats of the drum would be more fun!

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