Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Coffee in Glasses

A nice sunny day for a treat trip to Newington, silly shaped bus seats permitting. The charity shops are quite close together, I can get a coffee and cake.

After coffee and cake, its a slow walk up to Forrest Row to the two charity shops there. Its very sunny, the forecast rain hasn't appeared. This shop used to be an Opticians. Now it is a cafe, but the owners have kept the shop signs, so the council must consider these signs to be of historic importance.

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Cultural lesson.
Coffee in Glasses? If you go to Trieste in Italy, which is the italian part of Slovenia, and want a coffee, its no use asking for caffè. You have to ask for Nero in B, the preferred way of drinking coffee in Trieste. The B stands for bicchiere, italian for glass. So a black coffee is served in a glass, Coffee in Glass, and that's normal. A normal coffee in a small cup is just a Nero. You can get a milk option, which is a Capo in B. Or a Goccia, a Nero in B with a head of frothy milk. If you prefer Decaffeinated coffee, ask for a Deca in B or Capo Deca in B.

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