Crusader Graffiti

This morning after a nice breakfast, Bin took Rob and I on a walk through part of the city, I was keen to see the area of Bristol which has been painted with Graffiti Art, this is one which reminded me of the Crusaders (our rugby team!back in NZ) I didn't want to leave! I just love to study the art and all the hidden things in them, it was amazing to see huge Graffiti full height on a modern high building next to a very old historic one and strangely not look out of place almost bringing the two conflicting buildings together.
Well done to the council of Bristol to see the advantage of such artwork making this area famous and a draw for visitors, many people with cameras.
Bin also showed us a famous Banksy which was a window high up on a blank wall, with a nude man dangling with one hand on the sill while a husband is looking for him through the open window and the wife behind!
Banksy has been in NZ with his Artwork, in Nelson.

Unfortunately our stay could only be short as we were visiting some other friends an hour away and they were only going to be at home over lunch time, so we gathered our things said good bye and headed north.
It was sad to leave Bin but also good to be able to catch up with the Giffords as we hadn't seen them for a very long time, we found them on good form and although now quite elderly they are still enjoying the Heavy Horse world which is how we met along time ago.

We had intended to go on up to Lancashire to see more friends but headed for home as my Dad unfortunately has got to have an operation on Monday for a hernia, he is 93.

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