A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Well timed advice

These are some daily Bible reading notes that I have had since first year - given to us by our small group leader at the time. I found them helpful to go through them when I did in first year and have since dipped in and out of them as there's some helpful general sections, too.

They are aimed towards students currently sitting exams and, as placement is much like an 8-week long exam, I thought I would bring them out to use again. This morning was looking at Exodus 18 (though I initially went to Exodus 12 and read that whole passage wondering what the connection to "exam survival" would be) and Moses being given advice by is Father-in-law to slow down and prioritise his tasks - not trying to do more than he is able. All very applicable to myself at the moment and a reminder to use my time wisely...a challenge for the weeks ahead!

Back to Perth today - ready for it in some respects but at the same time would quite happily stay here in Edinburgh and spend more time with all my wonderful friends here! Nevermind...off to church shortly :]

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