a new year!

By Thesalh70

photoshoots and ferry farm with the silver boys!

had a terrific friday night sleep! whatever it was i thought i was catching, it definately cleared up after about 8 hours sleep. busy busy day ahead.

first of all, off to see Ava and Ollie to take some black and white portraits. want to practice a bit, ahead of my uni course which starts in October. Mrs Bet certainly has two beautiful children and i hope my b&w shots do them justice!

then off to pic up mrs Silver and the boys, off out for a day at Ferry Farm. glorious sunshine and red hot so we had the rag top down. waited for about half an hour or so for Mrs Meth and Jennie to arrive, so took a few pics of the boys running around at the side of the river trent.

fab picnic there too, mrs silver always buys my fave cheese and onion rolls!! saw lots of animals, its a great place with all the farm animals, turkeys, little pigs, goats, chickens running around freely. we also saw someone we all knew there too! recognised the scottish accent, but not someone you'd go over to and ask for his autograph!

on the way home we stopped at the Lowdham Golden postbox again, and took pics of the boys.

food shopping on the way home, then curry and a glass or few of vino!

downloaded my pics of Ava and Ollie and very pleased with them.

a top day, really enjoyed it. off tomorrow to watch Greg play footy at Eastwood, he's got a trial with Derby County next week, so fingers crossed!!.....the wags will be queuing up!

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