Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr


And as the sun set that night
There arose a light
Engulfing all that stood close
Playing with the clouds
That hovered
Uncertain as to their fate
For the day passed
To return
And each part that was touched
Turned golden
As though
Some hidden trove
Was suddenly discovered
Cast into armor
And wrapped
Protective around each cloud
And streamers ran forth
The blue of the glorious heavens
The night was nigh
And all
Should know its might
Then suddenly there was
A stillness
And awe crept in on wonder-clad shoe
As the softness
Of the night's star strewn sky
Rose overhead
And fireflies danced
On infinite worlds
And all
Bowed in subservience
At the beauty
That shone
And bold peace
Rode in in on that black charger
Clad in the gossamer of sleep
Sword of sandman's design
And none
Could avoid its edge
But instead
Bared their breasts
To await its touch
And as one
Fell upon it
With joy
And sleep
Found its final victory

Terry Rhiannyr
August, 2012

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