
By Jeanettie6

Columbia Road Flower Market

I intended to get up at about 7.00 a.m. this morning to get an early start to go to Columbia Road Flower Market as it gets really busy later on in the morning. I didn't wake up until 8.30 though (lazy!) so finally got there when it was at it's busiest!

There were lots of absolutely beautiful flowers/plants there, but I ended up buying two large trays for Five paaarnd reliable old pansies from the chap on the left. He told me 'I knew you'd want them! Too good a bargain too resist!' (He knew a bargain-hunter when he saw one). He must have a very sore throat at the end of the morning after 'promoting his two for a fiver' pansies. I decided to walk back to London Bridge Station, bashing a few people in the shins with my large pansy bags as I walked down a very busy Brick Lane. I now have to get off the sofa and bother to plant them..the sun has just come out though to help me along!

I hope you've all enjoyed your weekends.

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