A Successful Day

Photographically speaking - I think.

Squirrel was off school again (school protocol!).
She wasn't exactly bouncing off the walls but she was in fairly good fettle.
After her mother did her hair she came up with an idea of how it could be improved on so Nana did it.
It didn't last all day - but she did sit still without asking to let me take some more pictures later.

After hanging out the washing after dropping The Cygnet off at school I took some shots of seed pods.  These were Welsh Poppies before turning into crowns and letting the seeds free. The Snake's Head Fritillaries are opening nicely too (but I prefer this shot).

I also downloaded and processed some shots of the very impressive sunset last night. I tried to do something slightly different since I wasn't going to be able to get anywhere decent to catch it in its full glory..

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