Sunrise over a car yard

Yay, the shortest day of the year is nearly over. Slowly the days will get longer again and so the turn of seasons continues. I'll be pleased to bike to work in daylight :-)

This morning I had the old fog on the glasses for most of my bike ride. I went with the compensation trick of moving them down my nose and looking over the top. It's not ideal but I I just need to be careful.

The fog cleared near to town making way for a spectacular sunrise a few minutes after I arrived at work. I pegged back the colour a bit as it was truly vibrant.

I thought I'd had a pretty good day but I think the pope's day was better. He rummaged in someone's rubbish and brought home a plastic bag with chips and chicken bones.

It would have been something to see him carry it home. What was left was quite big, fortunately too big and awkward for him to bring through his cat door. Instead he ate his way through the plastic bag and into the contents on using the concrete as his plate. No dinner for Benedict, he's well and truly stuffed.

Today's gratitude: Paper and a pen. Sometimes it's just easier to use than a screen.

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