
By LadyPride

Elle fait ses nuits

Elle fait ses nuits. Apparently that's French for "she's doing her nights". Its asked with intonation in France, so more like "Elle fait ses nuits?" and is a question all mothers dread on both sides of the channel. In English, you will recognise it in its most common form, normally phrased quite simply as "Is she sleeping through yet?"

Like every mother with a new baby, I dread this question because as anyone who reads my boring baby blips will know, until last night the answer was an emphatic "No!!!"

But somehow yesterday, our baby girl Audrey busted out a seven hour stretch 12-7am without food. She woke at 3.30am cried and resettled herself and again at 5.30am.

I ended up actually having to wake her at 7 this morning which was a real turn up for the books! It has literally never happened.

I however, woke several times in the night convinced she wasn't breathing and anxiously watched the pixels on the baby monitor move (pictured) to check she was still alive.

Really proud of her even though am convinced it was a fluke! But to remind ourselves (and for any interested new parents) what we did yesterday;

- Woke her at 7am and fed her every 3 hours ('little and often' is our new motto)
- Daytime naps not totally more than 3 hours
- Bathed before 6, final feed 6.30pm
- Swaddled in crib with the womb soundtrack on the iPad to soothe her


Now come on Audrey do it again tonight, there's a good girl!

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