Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Mid Summer Sea Fog

As I said yesterday, the pace of life right now is hectic. Having been out with the camera club until 11.30 last night I was on the 8.36 train this morning to see my Dad in Dublin. Then we had people in to view the house while we went off to the coast for a midsummer's evening walk before dinner in a local hostelry.
Scorching weather gave way very suddenly to his rolling sea fog down at the coast. one kilometre inland it was scorching again.
As we went to dinner we had a message from the Estate Agent to say that we have a taker who has offered the full asking price for the house. No questions. Wow! It was only on the market three and a half days. They didn't even have time to put up the "For Sale" notice outside.
Commenting will again tonight be non existent as it's now almost 11pm. Catch up with you all tomorrow.

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