Journal of a Jessica

By Wallflower


Today my Dad took Courtney and me to the Lake District. The weather wasn't great and I was very hungover, but it was a lovely day. This is a lovely little shop, Courtney and I bought matching friendship bracelets because we're cute like that. And I finally got George (my camera) back! I don't have to use my rubbish iPhone camera anymore.

I was hungover because Beth had a session last night, there was only about nine of us there, but that just meant that there was more alcohol for us... I wasn't planning on going anywhere last night, I just wanted to stay at home and watch movies, but Beth and Courtney dragged me out. I got absolutely off my trolley. I don't even remember half of what happened, but that's probably best. Courtney and me were supposed to stay at my house, but when we walked there we were locked out, so we had to go and stay at Beth's (we got a grand total of an hour and a half sleep). Then we got even more drunk. Then things kicked off, not between us, but someone causing trouble on the street. So it was an eventful night, and I'm paying for it now.

"She's got a ticket to ride, but she don't care."

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