Journal of a Jessica

By Wallflower


Any self-portraits that I've taken recently have been on my phone, so it's nice to have a camera that's decent (although I do not have a face that you'd like to see in high quality, I really mean it, I don't know why I bother...).

I don't really have anything else to say. I've been to school, and I've been out with my friends. Big deal. I seem to have a massive problem with myself now, because someone pointed something out to me today; that I'm starting to care more about the way I look, and not so much on trying to be 'different', because apparently boys have noticed me or something. I'm sick of being the girl who likes classic rock and reads all the time. I want to be thin, and pretty, and outgoing. And I'm not, but about the outgoing part - I no longer death stare everyone who comes within three metres of me. It's a start... I joke, I do find it easier to talk to people now (it turns out most people actually find things other than Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd interesting to talk about, can you believe it!?). Although, a guy came up to my friends and me and asked what I was listening to, and when I said Led Zeppelin he hugged me because about 0.1% of girls my age have good taste in music.

"Talk and song from tongues of lilting grace, whose sounds caress my ears. But not a word I heard could I relate, the story was quite clear." If you haven't heard Kashmir before, then you're welcome.

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