What a finish

School sports day today for KK.

He really wanted to win the flat race and then to have fun in the rest of the events. 

He came away with 2 firsts (one for the flat race) and a second which can be seen here. I just love this photo and the next one from the sequence where his friend James is completely upside down while his other friend Che can not jump for laughing. I have put it in extras. Also in extras is the start of the flat race where you can see how seriously KK takes the race. His body language is everything.

Off out tonight to High school assembly where teenager has won the maths prize. In the meantime KK is back down in Campbeltown this evening playing football for the millennium cup which is an interschools competition. I am hopeful they may bring home a prize as they have a very good team.

A successful day in our house today.

Added later. Congratulations to our school team who came home with the Millenium cup tonight, the boys were highly excited

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