Journey Through Time

By Sue

Silly Sunday in September Snap

Okay, I get to be silly now and then. Lemon cucumbers, zucchini, sweet 100 tomatoes, and regular cucumbers make this silly face.

A gorgeous day as our summer continues. Bill keeps bugging me for zucchini bread, so I guess I'll go do that. I just hate to make the house hotter with the oven on. The east wind is supposed to kick up again and there are hotter days in the forecast. Back up to 90 or better. The more I think about it the more baking doesn't appeal to me. I'll have to think up plan B I guess. Chores to do also. A bit difficult sometimes with this annoying brace. I hope this heals completely SOON.

I was out back for awhile and for the past few days or so there has been this slightly lingering smell of skunk. Can anything else smell like skunk besides skunk and skunk cabbage? I've never seen one here, but they are nocturnal, so that's no surprise. I have no idea where it is coming from but I hope it disappears soon.

Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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