
By everydayness

A carrot a day ...

... doesn't necessarily keep the doctor away in this case, but he enjoys them nonetheless.

It was a super busy social Saturday. Or a super busy weekend ... one of those weekends when everyone seems to be having birthday parties or asks to meet up for drinks.

The morning started with me being incredibly tired as I barely slept that night. While R was out running some errands I took care of tidying up. Not the most exciting thing but it's just one of those things that need to be done.

Starting in the afternoon we then went from one social event to the next ... three in total. Birthday party with loads of people and bbq. Not too bad, just quite a few scared moms who came over to us first thing and asked whether they could keep the prams around. Dog was more much more interested in all the food that was seemingly within reach than any child could ever be.

This was followed by drinks with a friend and her boyfriend from Frankfurt who were in town. It was fun to catch up and get to hear all about their trip to Island. Dog was too exhausted to even beg or care about food. Just slept.

As soon as we got home we headed to our neighbours who celebrated their birthdays.

I had hoped to take more photos during the day but somehow didn't have time. So this of Viva will have to do again for the day.

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