I Fell Into a Burning Ring Of Fire

Today we excurshed.

Not normally ones for excurshions we made an exception because himself loves a volcano.

We had to get up at silly oclock .... i was zombified despite being in bed sleeping at 1030.

We walked down to Jimmy's where we were to catch our bus and met another family catching same bus. Weirdly - they were the same as us; a lovely mix of British, one from South one from north and a child speaking with one voice but wearing another. Exactly how it should be.

The bus took us a lovely tour of the coastline and then inland and over the hills right down to the other coast which we can't reach on the bikes..although its just 10 miles along road.

We jumped aboard the boat and bagged seats up front and sailed to Nisyros.

From the harbour of a little island home to 1000 people .. we bussed up some vair steep roads until we reached what Costas our guide described as a perfect vantage point...

The village was built in steep steep paths houses an arms reach from each other ... i began to wonder if i would make it...

But i did (see extra)... it was worth the climb. We could see one bus load of people in the crator like ants... and rhodes and turkey and kos and everywhere and the sun.

Then we piled back on the bus .. we were on a tight deadline doncha know (buses cant pass on the road).. and headed into the crator itself.

Ive been in Mount Tiede before but that was nothing compared to this. Standing on the edge of the crator inside a crator (for the whole island is a crator)... you could smell the sulphur, feel the heat.

But then i looked down the chalkie sides and contemplated if i could make the walk down, let alone the walk back up... Himself said i could so I did!

Am glad i did.... you could see the steam coming out earth, smell the sulphur til it hurt your nose... and oh my i did panic a bit when I felt a blurp under my feet - you could Actually hear the bubbling under the surface and feel the heat and pressure under your feet. That was all the encouragement i needed to make it back up the hill and into the shade...from the 35 degree heat

Then it was back down into the harbour village for 2 hours til the boat left again and we totally utilised the time by sitting in a harbour side cafe enjoying calamares, sovlaki and beer... oh and the most amazing coffee and cardomen ice cream. Lush

We got a bit burnt and a bit wet on the way home.

Photo courtesy of himself!

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