Bloomin boilin !!!

This morning we decided to walk to Bardolino...the next village along the lake, as hubs foot was feeling better.

After breakfast we set off, just after ten, had a leisurely meander, stopping for coffee on the way....sitting beside the lake in the shade, just admiring the view and watching the world go by.

As we approached the village, we could see it was market day, many vans with stalls selling their wares. It was exceptionally busy, but it was nice to have a browse. Resisted the temptation to buy, didnt fancy carrying anything in the heat!!

We found a lovely little bistro for a light lunch. The idea was to walk back, but as we started hub could feel his foot, so we,thought better of it, particularly as it was 36 degrees by this time! We bought tickets for tne ferry instead! it was baking stood in the queue waiting for it to dock!! I took this shot just as we left the quayside in Bardolino.

We headed straight back to the hotel changed and into the pool for a cooling dip and a couple of hours reading in the shade :-)

We had a lovely meal in the little back alleys of Garda old town before calling it a day around 11.30...... the latest night of the holiday, dirty stop outs us ;-)

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