
By Munroist4113

Crashed out!

We had a relaxing day. The clouds of yesterday had mostly gone so we had some sun and blue skies, and the temperature had dropped to a cool(er) 28, which made it very pleasant being 10 degrees less than earlier in the week. My arms have come out in a horrible lumpy heat rash.

The boys are very confident in the pool. Thomas is swimming underwater with no fin so now James is swimming around happily, wearing the fin and armbands.

I managed to read quite a bit of my book, a re-read of Dervla Murphy's "Full Tilt". She was an intrepid traveller, cycling to India in 1963, though I don't know how she managed to get invited to so many palatial homes, at the same time castigating other Europeans for not getting to know the Afghans, when they'd not have the same privileges. The most annoying thing about the book is that there are 2 sketch maps, but neither has a key to show her actual route. It's also very interesting to be reminded of the political situation in the area at the time and she shows a great deal of perception on many issues relevant now.

James did not have a nap today and resisted sleep - but he finally crashed!

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