Basket Fungi - again

(ileodictyon cibarium)

I spent most of the day at work to make up for not going in for a few hours yesterday.  It's amazing how much you get done when you're there on your own.  I beavered away until just after 3 when I realised that my nose was numb and my feet were heading the same way - the cold had snuck up on me.

I went home via the supermarket and on my way there I noticed fungi on the side of the road.  Of course I had to stop, even though I've blipped them a number of times before.  Well, it saved me going off on another fruitless blip hunt!

These open overnight as a latticed ball, and then gradually begin to collapse in on themselves.  I would guess that this one is about 2 days old.  This was probably the most recent one there but the whole verge is covered in these things in various stages of decomposition.

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