Passing shower (Day 780)

I had an extra early wander up the hill with the woofers this morning, then took my beautiful wife to town and dropped her off at her work.
From town, and after a very brief stop at home, I zoomed across to Stromness and spent more time on deliveries.
Stromness is a lovely little town, but house numbers were dished out by a blind, drunk bloke. There is no rhyme nor reason to the numbering. Street names seem to change for no reason, and then change back again a bit further along the same road. The yellow pages deliveries are supposed to be done according to addresses, be they house names or street numbers. It would help if all the houses displayed names or numbers. It would also help if they all had a letterbox. More of the same tomorrow, Hurrah.
After hours in Stromness, and with one route almost complete (apart from a street I can't find) I collected the dogs from home and took them to Wasdale for a walk. We arrived just as the heavens opened and the walk started in very heavy rain.
At least it gave me the chance to photograph a big cloud as it passed by on the strong wind.

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