Footpath at the shore (Day 781)

Today started a bit earlier than anticipated with an emergency call out at 2.30 am. An old lady had found a leak under her sink when she got up to get a glass of water. An old washing machine supply hose had split. I turned off the supply and said I would return with parts later. Once home it took ages to get back to sleep, and the alarm seemed to go off far too early.
After wandering up the hill with the dogs in the sunshine, my beautiful wife and I headed for Stromness. We left the dogs with mum and dad, then spent the morning delivering more yellow pages. We had lunch with mum and dad, then took the woofers along the shore to Warebeth. It was warm in the sunshine, despite a bit of a chilly wind. Warebeth in sunshine is always a lovely place to be and the colours were fabulous.
There were a few more deliveries after dog walking, then a trip to see EJ so HV could practice her circus act (see extra).
After a brief stop at home, I was off to town to sort the leaky washing machine, then on to a quote. The quote was a bit of a waste of time as the customers don't know what they want.
It has been a long day!

(Today's handy hint. Make sure you know how to switch off your water, it could save you a lot of money if there is ever a leak....)

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