Bath Time

The last view weeks Daisy has been a bit under the weather. About 3 weeks ago she was diagnosed as being very allergic, it seems to be pollen/grass/environmental rather than food related. She kept getting ear infections which actually turned out to be her having allergic reactions on her paws and then when she scratched it transferred to her ears and to her back. The vet put her on tablets which did work but made her very lethargic, and she started to eat and drink lots. After a few days we were worried about the lethargy and thirst so it was back to the vets. More tests to check that there was nothing more serious like diabetes but luckily they all came back clear. The infection had subsided so her tablets were reduced to half a pill per day. A few days later and she was back to her old self. In hindsight we think part of her lethargy was because I was away :(

Because of all her treatment which included ear washes her coat was looking a bit 'starry' so a bath was the order of the day. She doesn't mind a bath and was really good. I took special car not to get anything in her ears or eyes. Afterwards she tore through the house like Taz, the Tasmanian devil ;) Now she's sleeping it off

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