Another late start (it's a bit hot for sleeping at the moment - even the dulcet tones of Evan Davies couldn't get me to sleep at 4 this morning).
The garden has exploded with life since the lavender came out properly - yesterday we counted six types of butterflies on the lavender and four types of bees, which feels like more than last year. The pond now has two frog inhabitants - the regular spotty kind and one with a green stripe down its back (I thought I had correctly identified it with the help of the internet, but turns out that one only lives in certain parts of Australia... so probably not that one then). Just after I took this shot of one of the big dragonflies we see from time to time, the spotty frog tried (failed) to eat it.
Soon Mr B will be firing up the barbecue again. But for the washing up, his love of barbecuing makes the weekends very relaxing for me!
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