Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Is that a cigar in your hand?

Or are you just pleased to see me?

SO today was our first attempt at vegan entertaining; we decided to cook Mexican lunch. When questioned we couldn't answer why Mexican straight away then remembered that we decided to do it when we were pissed in Las Iguanas a couple of weeks ago. As with most of of these occasions it is my crazy idea and TSM's realisation, so she did most of the cooking and I was cleaner and sous chef. I do take credit for the skin on wedges and the nachos, other than that it was pretty much her all her invention: Quesadilla, Tortilla, Rice Dishes, Jackfruit, stuffed peppers ... oh my god she did such a fab spread.

As is also traditional on these occasions Mr B spent the afternoon being controversial and leading us all into territory that no-one else would dare to go, helped by several bottles of wine, a case of ice cooled Corona and a rather too drinkable cocktail called The Matador (strange choice of name for a vegan, I know). This is simply tequila, pineapple juice and lime and is dangerously quaffable. 

To their credit everyone turned up dressed colourfully and in the case of Mr B and family, donning the full sombrero and poncho look. Little Miss B went into cat mode - she volunteers in a cat protection shelter - and spent the afternoon entertaining the feline members of the household (even the normally shy Mr Hoppy). Mr Bear, Aunt Sally and the Rogista also joined in the mayhem although I wasn't too sure about the Ashkenazi Mexican look; but cross cultural norms are the order of the day in a global society. 

The Dizzle found some cigars at one point which is when we took this picture. I'm told they are the genuine Cuban article but I'm no connoisseur. Mr B and I sparred the whole afternoon (he is a dedicated carnivore who would happily eat his own left leg if it had enough barbecue sauce on it whereas I am now a full on Vegan Popular Front activist). 

All in all a rather fab afternoon. 

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