Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Tent life

Totally living outdoors. Absolutely love it; will be a shock when the weather breaks and even bigger depression when winter comes. But I have a plan to create a Mongolian style yurt as a permanent fixture in the garden so that I can live the dream all year ‘round ...

Had a lot of pain today until about 3pm when it eased up. I think my body is programmed to go into work mode in the morning and remains suspicious until the afternoon when it relaxes at the prospect of not having to deal with deadlines and impossible choices. Went downhill again a bit later in the evening. Relax ...

I am keeping busy as I don’t believe in just doing nothing. I was a domestic god again today on the cleaning, washing, cooking, DIY and organising front. Found time to sit with TSM this evening and read and listen to music together. I am reading Orlando Figes on Russia 1891-1991 which is very absorbing. The first three decades of the 20th century were appalling for the country. After that it got worse.

Unsurprisingly I am tired now ...

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