In An Instant

By MrRosewarne

'Little Bo Peep'

Firstly, A huge thanks to everyone for your hearts, stars and comments on yesterdays Tree in the Lake.

Today is our last day in this beautiful country that we've enjoyed travelling , seeing the sights and meeting some our favourite international blippers, It's been a great 12 days and loved every minute. Thanks NZ.

Today we travelled from Timaru up to Christchurch via the inland scenic route, (Thanks for the tip again Mario) stopping along the way at the Peel Forest general store for coffee's and hot chocolates. The lady that ran the store was great, as we were leaving she asked if the kids would like a ride on her horse 'Shiloh' who we spotted as we drove in. Of course they did (and almost made tonights blip). We then took the short drive out to have a look at the tiny St. Mary's church up on the hill just out of Peel Forest, stopping along the way to photograph these little lambs and some enquisitive cows that came tentatively over to us for a look.

The Church was wonderful, brilliant stained glass windows and stonework surrounded by an old graveyard. The sun was shining making for some more great photo work. We probably spent about an hour there wandering around the grounds exploring. It had been badly damaged during the earthquake of September 4th 2010 and had temporary wooden props bracing the front wall and corrugated iron sheets fixed over the crumbling front wall. (more shots)

A quick lunch stop at Mayfield where as we were just about to leave a huge hailstorm came through. From that point on the sky opened up and the rain began along with howling winds, lightning and thunder.

Along the way to Methven,we had to stop as a farmer was moving his flock of sheep to a new paddock, looked like they had just been for a shear. (See Blip Star's blip for today)

Rain all the way to Christchurch tonight and a cold 3 degrees outside.

Up early tomorrow morning for our flight home.

Our sincere thanks to all of the people we've met along the way. We'll be back.

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