Well done Baby

Grade 2 piano today. A chaotic warm up time where the poor kid got shifted through three different rooms/pianos. A slimeball examiner who charmed the parents and was crappy to the kids. Very proud of her though. She just got on with it. She came out a bit wobbly, but she's a serious perfectionist with her exams and performances. She had some really minimal slips in her exam, but it was hard to convince her that they were seriously minimal. Hopefully her final mark will reflect that though! We called B when she came out and it helped. Katie chose her favourite ice cream as a treat after. We have a bit of a "post exam/festival" Lego treat so when she arrived home she found a small Lego set waiting for her. I like her to have it before her results to remind her I'm proud of her regardless of how "well" she does in the exam.

Proud of this little monkey for keeping her smile, keeping her cool and holding her own in a not-totally brilliant circumstance.

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