Five things

By fivethings


1. The day starts at Govanhill baths for the Lifeguard meet and greet. We gather round and hear the welcomes before heading 'poolside' for the first taste of the show. This is the first time that someone - anyone - has swum in a pool in this baths in 11 years.

2. Later, as we sit round, talking about what we've seen, conversation comes to legacy - that old favourite bandied round so often. But in this instance there's no escaping it. We've re grouted a pool so people can swin in it from now on. A small thing perhaps. But where would we be without small things?

3. Later I can't stand the idea that Team GB are so close to me and I leave early to see if I can catch them. I get very lucky and as I weave my way down Buchanan street, I catch them as they pass. The roar brings tears to my eyes. Instantly.

4. I make my way through the crowd, slowly to George Square. It's obviously full and I end up in a side street. This is, I think, the most diverse crowd I have ever stood in. Normally when I am with this many people it's a gig or a festival and you are with your tribe. Not so here, there's every single walk of life going. Everyone is happy.

5. And there's Union Jacks flying in Glasgow without them being highjacked by our sectarian bigoted baggage. No one cares, we are beyond that here, they fly side by side with the saltires as the pipe band passes. I am sure there will be many, many genuine legacies as a result of team GB and this Olympic summer. I hope losing a little bit of our bigoted paraphernalia is one of those small things.

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