
By Munroist4113

Guess who?

No prizes for guessing where we met the family for lunch today! And no duck gizzards were sampled - we found a pretty little square dedicated to the man himself, around which were a few large restaurants serving indifferent food to loud English voices. Further down the square there was a small restaurant serving from a short menu for €15 for homemade organic food with a glass of wine each, also organic. When the children appeared Madame looked worried - she said she did not do children's menus. (She probably thought her nice little place would have even louder English voices than the bigger places with them around). We explained they ate what we ate so that was ok, and even more ok when they sat down quietly with their colouring books. Thomas coloured while James put felt tip caps on as many of this fingers as he could, till he looked like Edward Scissorhands.

We had a delicious trout dish and then a homemade banoffie pie with banoffie ice cream - not what we expected in France but really proper dark chocolatey and yummy. The boys had strawberries and ice cream. All plates were cleared so Madame was happy.

Now we are back packing to move further south tomorrow.

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