Gorge du Tarn

We left the family much to James's annoyance that 'grand grand' was going. We drove 300km southeast to Le Rozier to a pretty campsite. I had time to visit the info centre to find us a walk for tomorrow if the heavy rain/thunder showers pass. We'll head up to the top of the hill on the left and do a circuit on the limestone plateau of about 12 km which will be enough if hot and wet.

It's a funny thing but I'm not totally comfortable camped down by the river in a narrow Gorge among trees. - I like to have a more open aspect. Of course I'll be happy with the trees if the sun comes out!

We hope to stay here a couple of days at least. I'm back on havingbyompidt pix from
My phone as we have no wifi - sorry about fat fingers. Missing seeing your journals but I have not enough data time on my contract to do it.

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