Finally finished the Prom photos late afternoon - fun but time consuming!
On going to the allotment to water and put the girls to bed I had an interesting chat. The couple who I did the natural dyeing and bread making with have now moved to the village and were having an evening stroll round the allotment. The midges were fierce for some reason and were trying to attack me but I was well covered, but they were getting the wife. The husband told me the best thing was Skin So Soft by Avon - even the army use it! This was so funny for as I'm guessing you know Avon sold products through local reps and had the slogan "Ding Dong Avon Calling" and was aimed at the housewife! Well on looking it up I found it has over 100 uses - damn no wonder it repels insects!!
The other thing I learnt about was "WWOOF'ers" - he kept using this term so I asked him what he meant - "World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms"  Well! They have wwhoofed themselves and hosted wwoofers themselves! Once In Tuscany for a woman who said when they rang that she was going away on holiday but they could stay and look after the dog and house and did they want the car?!! This was the day before she left! Wish I'd known about this when I was younger and didn't have my own allotment and menagerie! 
An allotment visit is never dull! 

P.S. I've bought the  Skin So  Soft and will let you know if it works! 

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