Not Something Different!

Finally a visit to the shops and recycling centre had to be made as the cats were out of cat litter and  I was drowning in plastic ! I tried to find Malt Extract for a fellow blipper - once again thwarted! Third try will be Waitrose! I had passed the tip on my way to Morrisons but it was closed whilst the containers were being taken away -  I thought I had managed to find banks for everything but  the hard and black plastic had no bank so tip it was on the way home. Which was good as I picked up a rather nice glazed plant container with bulbs in the bottom and a roll of galvanised lawn edging for £3! The fact I have no lawn is neither here nor there - it was brand new and I'm sure I can find a use for it! As I was about to leave the digger caught my eye and I decided to photograph it, and then the fridges. Could I make a pleasing photo I wondered of something not obviously appealing?
On the way home I went to Ebay Mans to dose the hen again. I was prepared with gloves and a towel this time! The mites were still evident but she looked happy amongst the flowery lawn. I spotted one crawling across my hand after I had finished changing her bedding and hanging some greens up for her. Home to strip and wash my clothes! 
I spent a long time processing the hell out of the digger! I rather liked the fridges too!  But of course the hen won out in the end!!

P.S. Her owners are back soon and I hope they decide to give her to me! After she completes her 3 weeks mite treatment! 

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