As far as the eye can see!

Mr W bought me a 'tray' of strawberries after being quite impressed with the ones his daughter gave us the other day! They are just delicious. And so many! Ive eaten, loads, chopped up and frozen loads, made a pretty bowl full of loads and made a pavlova for pudding for a meeting coming up and still there's a mountain left! Shame I don't know how to make jam!!!

After work, Mr W treated me to a Starbucks Peach tea lemonade before shopping then I spent the whole afternoon cooking for a meeting thats being held in our house tomorrow evening (ok, today as this is a back blip!). I thought having a lasagna ready after work tomorrow (today) would be the best idea but I forgot how much mess and hassle making a lasagna (and a pavlova and copping up a million strawberry's) was and ended up feeling shattered and my back in agony! It will be take away next time!!!

We also bought a whole Salmon that was reduced from £33 to £22 - result - but Im not great with the head and tail bit so the head was hidden under all the shopping and I had to close my eyes (and ears) while Mr W was trying to chop it up for me. Shame he watched "how to fillet a fish" AFTER he's done it!!! The head, tale and spare bit then went out in the garden for the birds. Bit random having a salmon fish head on your lawn but there you go!!!

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