Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

A Good Find!

Since our nearest fresh food market closed down, we've been finding alternative places to do our shopping locally, but without resorting to the easy option of buying everything from the supermarket (three very good ones all less than 5 mins walk away).  This morning I wanted to buy different kinds of seeds, nuts, fruits etc to make granola - do we use that word in English or do we only say muesli?  I tried one local shop and found two things, which I bought, but they were both 250 gram bags and I really only needed 50/100 grammes of a variety of things.  Off I went to see if I could find the others and in the small butcher/fruit and veg shot where I was buying eggs, I asked them if, by any chance, they sold sunflower seeds.....they sell lots of things which aren't on display!  No luck, but then when I mentioned that I missed the market with the 'grain stand' they sent me off in the direction of this shop in my blip.  It's under 10 min walk from our front door and has everything in any quantity!!  Bb - it's on Entenca with Berlin. A good find and I got everything I needed in one shop with nice service and bags the right size, not huge oversized bags for a tiny amount.  The first shop where I'd bought the 250 gram bags agreed I could take them back and exchange them for other things.  Good service there too!

PS the answer to my magnet question on yesterday's blip is that they're to show who's in the house.  When Bb/I are in we put the red (home fire's burning) on the little strip and when our guests are in they put the yellow (sunny smiley guests) on the strip.  It lets us all see who's in or not as we walk in the door and helps as a reminder to put on the burglar alarm if you're last out!  Very simple and guests like the novelty factor! 

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