The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Eek, it's me!

Well, I figure as FaceTime is being hopeless and I won't see you for another month or so, I should say hello in blip! I've never done a proper SP before, it was quite odd. And you should be very impressed cos I just used Photoshop to remove the kitchen window from the picture...shame I couldn't learn how to remove my wrinkles and frowns! Anyway, hello! I'm still alive!

Usual stuff today, nothing exciting to report. Dog walk, omelette, gym session, school and school work, stuff and stuff...then home, dog walk, dinner, food prep for tomorrow and now I've been playing on photoshop before blipping. The house is empty, it seems odd now that Mum and Dad have gone. It is very clean and tody though and the garden looks awesome. Bloody awesome! So, I'm off for an early night to catch up on some beauty sleep.

I hope your rain stops soon and dries up for your weekend of adventure!

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