Keep coming back

'K' is for Keep on coming! Hehehehe!!

They kept on coming back ...... as if to give me a chance to get my camera and the 300 lense. I was so excited, C&R sr just had to giggle! I was not really excited about photography the past 12 days, I must admit! What with huge chest and armpit wounds, there was not really much energy left! ;-(

Dr Wilna,, my very dear friend and colleague, supported me so diligently and with love the past 3 weeks since my diagnosis, I appreciate it soooo deeply. She came to me this afternoon for a 'Colour breathing session', to help me relax to aid the management of pain. Sheer relaxation! Thank you Wilna, I feel so much more empowered, God bless!

When she left we saw the first 3 planes flying over the house, I shouted excitedly but C&R sr just laughed at me, because they thought it was gone already, but a few minutes later we heard a louder noise, I grabbed my camera, changed lenses and went outside, only to see these 7 beauties disappear in the distance, but boy, they returned, over and over again!! Just check our lovely South African Flag colours painted on their tails! Woohoo!!

My appointment with tha Oncologist is tomorrow @ 09:30, I am almost looking forward to it, I just want to KNOW the way forward now! I had a few very uncomfortable days, the entrance wound where the left side portovac was taken out on Friday is somewhat inflamed and the tissue is swollen hard and so hot and red, it is really hurting and all the rest of the wounds are swollen and pulling, feels like I have a strong elastic band around my chest! I think I am a real sissy now, jeepers, I really battle a bit, can't wait for it all to be healed now!

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