
'K' is for Kindness! ;-)

Everybody is so kind and caring, I am really overwhelmed!

I saw the Oncologist today, another really kind person! I will have to have 6 sessions of intravenous chemo therapy, 3 weeks apart, which means it will be over and done with by the middle of January 2013. The hormone therapy will start after the chemo and will have to be taken for 5 years! Not anything to look forward to, but I am so grateful for getting a second chance in life and I promise to be patient and co-operative in order to be healthy again!

She explained all my laboratory and radiology results in depth, explained the interaction between medication and my body and why chemotherapy is the way to go. She was so honest about possible side effects, of which one sure thing is the hair loss, I am so grateful for the forewarning, I will order a wig tomorrow in order to be prepared for the day it becomes necessary, other side effects will be handled as and if they occur! She says nausea may well not be one of them, but will be treated if it happens.

The hormone therapy has some possibly nasty side effects as well, but I will just have to make the best of what's dealt to me, I really and honestly want to be healthy again and if that is what it takes, I will co-operate!

I had lots and lots of lovely messages of encouragement today and lots of visitors this afternoon! I DO appreciated each and every gesture so deeply!

Little Wilhelm and Lianey, who featured in my blips quite often, and their parents turned up first, with lovely yellow irisses as well as CD's and and little book of poetry, all the fruits of their grandmom Soekie's pen.

These lovely roses are from 2 sweet teachers at our school this afternoon, thank you Anrieke and Sandra, they are soooo beautiful! I enjoyed your visit so much, you cheered me up, and the presence of dear Wilna was just as precious. Just before I could even think of falling back again, dear, sweet Alet turned up! You can just imagine how great that was! ;-)

Thank you all for the prayers and support up to now, please don't stop praying now, I will need it even more in future!



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