
By TMac

Nothing Golden Stays...

One of my favourite poets is Robert Frost.

One of my favourite poems by him is "Nothing Gold Can Stay" which I discovered a long time ago via the fantastic "The Outsiders" (which made such an impression on me I called my pet rat Ponyboy and a cockatiel Sodapop!!).

Autumn always reminds me of that poem.

Today was a horrible dreich kind of day and my only real blippable moment was whilst walking the dogs in the rain and I noticed the leaves starting to turn on some trees.

I managed to become distracted by webpages of Robert Frost poetry and discovered that there are actually 6 versions of this wonderful wee poem.

The first version from 1920 was called Nothing Golden Stays and the words are different:

"In autumn she achieves
A still more golden blaze
But nothing golden stays."

I like that version too!

Means I can keep the better known version for a full blown Autumnal Blip..

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