
By DavzoBroon

Telephone Line

Gavin was coming home today, got a phone call at work to go and pick him up. The bus arrived a short while later and we were home by 1pm. Had my lunch then went back to work. Gavin was full of stories about sailing with his life jacket on; going down the zip wire screaming his head off; swimming with his mates and lots of ducking and horseplay in the pool. They had a karaoke last night but Gavin said he didn't sing!! "Wee scaredy cat".

When I got home, we had a nice chicken dinner and Gavin was giving us all the what would we be doing now if I was still away. He must have enjoyed it so much as he hasn't stopped talking about it since he got home.

Out for my blip tonight, went down the back road from Roslin to Auchendinny. There was great colour to the sky so I stopped the car and took a few shots. Liked this one the best, the telephone line with that pole just made my mind up for me.

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