
By DavzoBroon

Heading South

After work today I dropped into the garage to look at the car Hayley might be getting, it is in good nick and only had one previous owner. I have to go back tomorrow with Hayley and she can get a wee shot in it to see if she likes it. We have also got some quotes for the insurance and it's not too bad so if she likes it, she might have her own set of wheels soon.

I took a wee drive out tonight looking for a blip. The moon was out so I took a few shots with the moon in them but I thought the best shot was this one of the geese flying south for the winter in formation and the lovely pink cloud just below them. The things that you come across, just in the right place at the right time.

Home now and watching football on the telly with a nice mug of tea and some toast then off to bed as it's been quite a day.

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