
and quite frankly, lacking a sense of humour.

On my wish list this week are:
* 11 year olds who sit in their seats in silence
* the same 11 year olds to follow instructions
* an extra 4 hours a I can get everything done before the weekend
* everything done before the weekend so I can spend time with Corin and James without fretting about a list of jobs getting longer by the day.

However, to balance the implied negativity, I do have a wonderful year 8 group who are so engaged and full of questions and genuine interest that they have managed to make me smile a lot today. I have year 11's who respond so politely, even a simple "You're welcome Miss" when I say thank you to them. So, really, it's just a question of training the newbies so that they know that I am in charge.

Really, who would want to argue with me!?!?!?

It's the little things that are important. Which is all I want my little 11 year olds to learn. They will, oh yes, they will.

James and I managed to go out and have our tea together tonight. It was a lovely hour, where I had his full attention, and he had mine. No phones, no ipads, no cameras, nothing except a drink of coke and a pizza and lots of conversation. That was the best bit of the day.

Now, to bed. A quick phone call to the beloved as he is away again this week, then sleep. I am pooped and tomorrow is going to be a late one.

Night night.

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