Out and about

James went out to his friend's house this morning and so Corin and I found ourselves without responsibility.

We sorted the back bedroom out - it is now tidy and is set up as a studio so I can paint.

Then we went out - intending to head to Risley Moss, but despite supposedly being open until 6pm, we got there at 4.25 to find the entrance gate shut. We headed over to the other side of town to Parrs Wood and had a wander around there instead. It was nice to get out, get in the fresh air and take an hour just to "be". We talked a little, but mostly just walked, taking in the sights, sounds and smells of the woodland. Autumn is definitely on it's way.

This evening, Doctor Who and Spag Bol, then a call to pick Jimbo up. Poor Corin decided we should go in the van, as we had to collect James' bike as well. Big mistake, as that meant that when Sam offer me a glass of wine, I could accept! 4 glasses later, we came home.

James is in bed. I am slightly squiffy and shortly for my bed.

Sunday will be mostly homework and hangovers.

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