
By kas18

The Start

At 24.18 hours I had to start the journey of swimming across the channel. I looked to the sky, blew a kiss to my angels who now watch over me and took off into the night.
I can't pretend I enjoyed swimming in the dark because I didn't. It was scary stuff. Not an hour into my swim and I started to vomit. I then continued to vomit for the duration of the whole trip.That wasn't the nicest feeling in the world I can tell you.
But I battled on as I knew my team depended on me being the strongest swimmer.
We saw the sunrise which was beautiful from the boat.
Then it was daylight. I'm not sure which was worse night or day in the sea as now we could see the jellyfish.
Yes we all got stung. I was lucky as it was just my feet. One team member Phil had the tenticles of a lion jellyfish wrap around his body.....he did swear!
Did we make it.......I'll continue tomorrow as tomorrow's day will not be as exciting as today for blipping.

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