
By kas18

Did We Make......Yes We Did

30 plus miles swam in 16 hours and 57 minutes.
I did four swims which took us very close to France. We were in touching distance and I had to hand over to our next swimmer. He ended up swimming next to a seal so I was quite glad I was out of the water.
Alistair continued towards the French beach where we had to land. We all jumped in behind him and joined him on the beach....we had swam from Dover to France rather a long way round.
A few tears and a group hug on the beach and photos with our flag that didn't come out as the guy I left to take the pics with my camera didn't manage to sort my camera out properly. Never mind.
we collected our pebble and made our way back to the boat.
Two and a half hours later we were back in Dover.
I really should have stayed in Dover but stupidly decided to drive home.
I had to stop the car to vomit even more. No idea how I made it home to be honest.
All well worth it as I've managed to raise over £2,000 and as a team we have raised £10,500 and still counting. Some lovely blip friends have donated to my charity....Little Havens Children's Hospice. I thank you so very much. I'm just so happy that the money raised will go towards helping families and children who are unfortunate enough to need the help of this wonderful place.
All the effort was so worthwhile.
Today I've been spoilt.
Had dinner made for me. Had friend come with gift and card which was unexpected. Cards and bubbly from Andy and the boys. It's been lovely. And so very many well wishes on Facebook. Incredible the interest this raised.
Now I can say...I swam the channel...and I'm so darn proud of myself. Would I ever do it again...NO! My stomach, sea and boats are not a good mix. But if ever there was a magic pill to sort that out....it might be another story.

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