
So it's not a great photo - iPhone, taken from a distance - but on Blip I like to think it's as much about the memories as the photography, a conceit that I'm not going to compromise by making a quick check of other people's Blips :-)

Here, then, slightly out of focus, across the hall from me, photographed from the corridor, is Dan in his element. Noodling on the guitar, playing his semi-improvised medley of classical guitar pieces with the odd riff or run thrown in from currently popular tunes; little Easter Eggs for his contemporaries. He sat there for about twenty minutes, apparently oblivious to the parents arriving for the Year 9 Awards Ceremony, happy as the legendary Larry.

He also played a more structured piece for the musical interlude and although I couldn't see him from where I was sat, I could just picture him, during those rapid runs, with his tongue in his cheek, the way he does when he's concentrating. 

-9.8kgs OK, this was one of those outlier, "low weigh-ins" but I'm pleased as punch.
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